Monday, April 04, 2005

People have been turned into zombie-like creatures because of custom and habits. Since we are used to be doing the same things, seeing the same things, et cetera, many of use are not critical or rather refuse to be critical anymore. People’s actions become mechanical that many don’t even sit down for a while and reflect for a moment where their lives are leading.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

seeing darkness through the shadows

I don’t know if to be born in this world is a blessing or a curse. Oftentimes I find myself asking if I should be thankful I was given life. Here I am lying in my soft bed, sheltered in a strong house, protected from the cruel tempest outside, got wonderful friends, and a very understanding, loving, and supportive mother. Yet despite all these I always come to the point of concluding there’s really nothing that I should be thankful of.

How can I be comfortable lying in my bed when I know there are lots of people who are suffering outside, trying to ease themselves lying in a cold cement; people who could hardly able to sleep tonight from the savage storm? How could I? How can I? How can I claim life is beautiful even though I am surrounded by colorful flowers, hearing lovely music, reading philosophical novels, watching immortal work of arts, and a lot more, when at the back of my mind all these things are only a part and parcel of reality. For whenever I go down from the clouds and am with people, acquaint myself with the common masses; I see wider reality – a grotesque reality. How can I laugh when I always hear people’s cry?

Am I just too demanding? A perfectionist that is never satisfied with what I have? A hopeless ambitious who wanted to travel the world in search for magnificent views, yet fails to appreciate the things around me? Or perhaps a lost soul in the universe, finding meaning in nothingness? Or an idealist who wanted to promote peace, yet in constant war with my own self? I don’t know! I don’t know….

Saturday, April 02, 2005

They say things are easier said than done. Or does it? Sometimes we just have to do things and let the moments pass without uttering a single word. Or, do we even need to act at all?Sometimes just allowing ourselves to be lost in nothingness eases the pain that one is suffering from…inside….